About Al-Anon
For over 60 years, Al-Anon and Alateen have been offering hope and help to families and friends of alcoholics.
It is estimated that each alcoholic affects the lives of at least four other people. Alcoholism is truly a family disease. No matter what relationship you have with an alcoholic, whether they are still drinking or not, all who have been affected by someone else's drinking can find solutions that lead to serenity in the Al-Anon and Alateen fellowship.
You too will find valuable information about the Al-Anon Family Groups, and maybe some hope within these pages to help you better understand and cope with the baffling disease of alcoholism.
This website is designed to help family members and friends of alcoholics in the Inland Empire of Southern California to find recovery and hope. Over the years, it has become an invaluable source of information for countless others in need of this help.
The Inland Empire Al-Anon Service Center has served as a literature distribution hub for members of the Al-Anon Family Groups for over 30 years. Please help us to continue this service by visiting our donations page and contributing. Your donations help us to keep the doors open for existing and new members to find recovery and hope.